At the University of Idaho, Fall 2017, I’m offering our first designated digital history course. As part of the course, students will be keeping blogs where they learn and practice blogging skills while reflecting on their DH activities and projects. You can follow them through these links.

Digital History: To Record My Discoveries

Exploring Digital History (and Diving into Virtual Reality)

Digital History and My Learning Experience

Let’s Get Digital

Skimming the Surface


Dig Digital History

Digital History

Thoughts of a Humanist

The first class project in this course was inspired by Atlas Obscura, specifically its Objects of Intrigue feature. We focused on unique, interesting features on the University of Idaho campus and used Google Fusion Tables to produce it. The map embedded below will take you to the students’ projects, or use this link. We are continuing to figure out the capabilities of the tool, but this is a good start.