This page samples my writing, pointing to my versatility as a writer, reporter, and commentator. Elsewhere on this website, you can find fuller bibliographies of my work (with links or .pdfs, where possible). Here is just a taste of genres, excluding my academically-focused work (which can be found here).
Local Reporting and Storytelling
“There’s more to farmers markets than meets the eye,” Salish Current, June 6, 2024.
“Finding happily ever after in Skagit’s ag zone,” Salish Current, August 11, 2023.
“Helping Hands reach out to help meet neighbors’ needs,” La Conner Weekly News, January 10, 2024.
“Panning for Local History Gold at Darrington Ranger Station,” The Daily Herald [Everett, WA], June 14, 2023.
“Building an Agricultural Community through Crop Rotation and Land Trading,” The Dirt, Skagitonians to Preserve Farmland, May 2023.
“Beezie + Co. Flower Farm Evokes Memories with Heirloom Blooms,” Meet a Farmer, Skagitonians to Preserve Farmland, July 2024.
“On This Disputed River, Progress May Mean a Return to the Past,” Smithsonian Magazine (May 25, 2023).
“The Slaughter of Elk at Yellowstone National Park: And how it changed Park Service policy,” JSTOR Daily August 18, 2021.
“NEPA transformed federal land management — and has fallen short,” High Country News, December 6, 2019.
Opinions / Commentaries
“Once upon a time in America, when the common good prevailed,” Boston Globe (August 20, 2023).
“How the U.S. came to protect the natural world–and exploit it at the same time,” Los Angeles Times, (September 25, 2022).
“Coastal drilling protesters to Trump: Take a hike,” Crosscut, August 13, 2018.
“No Sacrifices of the Public Interest in Times of Emergency,” The Revelator, May 6, 2020.
Personal Essays / Creative Nonfiction
“Stones in a Stream,” Talking River Review, Issue 53 (Fall 2022): 125.
“Wild Times,” Barzakh Magazine, Issue 15 (Summer 2022).
Since August 2022, I’ve researched, reported, written, and published a weekly newsletter on history, place, and writing called Taking Bearings.