Gradually, I’ve been incorporating digital projects into some of my courses. I’m sharing examples here.

Fall 2017, University of Idaho, Introduction to Digital History.

A final collaborative project used various tools we encountered over the course of the semester: A Story Map about the Fourth of July.

The first class project in this course was inspired by Atlas Obscura, specifically its Objects of Intrigue feature. We focused on unique, interesting features on the University of Idaho campus and used Google Fusion Tables to produce it. The map embedded below will take you to the students’ projects, or use this link. We are continuing to figure out the capabilities of the tool, but this is a good start.

Spring 2017, Colorado Mesa University, Sagebrush Rebellions and American Public Lands. For a three-week period, I taught at CMU as the Wayne Aspinall Visiting Lecturer. My class collaborated to create the following related stories.

Spring 2017, University of Idaho, American Environmental History. Rather than writing a traditional research paper, students in my 400/500-level environmental history course produced web stories using Sutori. Here are their projects (unedited and in no particular order).